Since then SMC has built up a reputation amongst our clients including government agencies, as a reliable independent surveyor. As a self-govering organization the company is not associated with any trading, shipping, insurance, mining, manufacturing, industrial or other similar interests. This is to maintain an impartial and politically neutural position of prime credibility and commercially independent.
SMC has an extensive network of in all major port areas in Indonesia
providing a full range of superintendence, inspection and marine survey
services on a diverse range of materials and commodities. It’s
dedication to customer service and the commitment to reliability and
integrity is maintained all time throughout the entire and fast network.
SMC’s major single asset is it’s people. It is workforce who ensure and must continue to ensure the provision of the high standard of services that is required to meet the customers satisfaction through professionslism and for the ultimate benefit and protection of our client’s in a highly competitive area of the inspection business.
SMC surveyors which we highly valued are continuously and consistently under permanent training and supervision to provide the highest level of expertise, service and reability, this we are committed to the human resources ultimate development. Their high level of training and skill will enable them to master complex technical inspection know-how and use the knowledge acquired in the search efficiency in the quality of our service-product.
It is the challege of remaining ahead of the pack with the latest managerial tools and techniques that give SMC a special competitive edge in the inspection business. All work is carried out through integrated management system and supervised by qualified and approved inspectors and on completion of the work, official written Reports and Certificates are provided in a timely manner specifying that the items conform to the requirements stipulated in the contract applied. SMC offers outstanding product certifications : the professional reportings which are easily understandable, pratical and uniform, are well recognized by government agencies, traders and bank. We will always strive to provide a reliable and professional service continuously adapted through our internal quality assurance system.
Extensive experience applicable to a wide range of commodities in international trade, SMC has maintained relationships with various reputable inspection and survey organizations of high professional standing so as to serve the client on a wolrd-wide basis. Within that time span SMC has build foundation of expertise which is utilised to provide reliable and professional services with high integrity and with the aim of staying the first and the best in the sector.
SMC’s major single asset is it’s people. It is workforce who ensure and must continue to ensure the provision of the high standard of services that is required to meet the customers satisfaction through professionslism and for the ultimate benefit and protection of our client’s in a highly competitive area of the inspection business.
SMC surveyors which we highly valued are continuously and consistently under permanent training and supervision to provide the highest level of expertise, service and reability, this we are committed to the human resources ultimate development. Their high level of training and skill will enable them to master complex technical inspection know-how and use the knowledge acquired in the search efficiency in the quality of our service-product.
It is the challege of remaining ahead of the pack with the latest managerial tools and techniques that give SMC a special competitive edge in the inspection business. All work is carried out through integrated management system and supervised by qualified and approved inspectors and on completion of the work, official written Reports and Certificates are provided in a timely manner specifying that the items conform to the requirements stipulated in the contract applied. SMC offers outstanding product certifications : the professional reportings which are easily understandable, pratical and uniform, are well recognized by government agencies, traders and bank. We will always strive to provide a reliable and professional service continuously adapted through our internal quality assurance system.
Extensive experience applicable to a wide range of commodities in international trade, SMC has maintained relationships with various reputable inspection and survey organizations of high professional standing so as to serve the client on a wolrd-wide basis. Within that time span SMC has build foundation of expertise which is utilised to provide reliable and professional services with high integrity and with the aim of staying the first and the best in the sector.
Sejak itu SMC telah membangun reputasi di antara klien kami termasuk instansi pemerintah, sebagai surveyor independen terpercaya. Sebagai organisasi diri govering perusahaan tersebut tidak terkait dengan perdagangan, pengiriman, asuransi, pertambangan, manufaktur, minat yang sama industri atau lainnya. Hal ini untuk menjaga posisi memihak dan politik neutural kredibilitas prima dan mandiri secara komersial.
Sekarang SMC memiliki jaringan luas di seluruh wilayah pelabuhan utama di Indonesia yang menyediakan berbagai macam pengawasan, inspeksi dan jasa survei kelautan pada beragam bahan dan komoditas. Ini dedikasi untuk layanan pelanggan dan komitmen untuk keandalan dan integritas dipertahankan sepanjang waktu sepanjang seluruh jaringan dan cepat.
Aset utama SMC tunggal itu orang-orang. Ini adalah tenaga kerja yang memastikan dan harus terus menjamin penyediaan standar tinggi layanan yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan melalui professionslism dan untuk kepentingan utama dan perlindungan klien kami di daerah sangat kompetitif bisnis pemeriksaan.
SMC surveyor yang kami sangat dihargai adalah terus menerus dan konsisten di bawah pelatihan dan pengawasan permanen untuk memberikan tingkat tertinggi keahlian, layanan dan reabilitas, kami ini berkomitmen untuk pengembangan sumber daya manusia utama. Tingkat tinggi mereka pelatihan dan keterampilan akan memungkinkan mereka untuk menguasai kompleks teknis pemeriksaan pengetahuan dan menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dalam efisiensi pencarian di kualitas layanan-produk kami.
Ini adalah challege dari sisa depan pak dengan alat manajerial dan teknik terbaru yang memberikan SMC keunggulan kompetitif khusus dalam bisnis pemeriksaan. Semua pekerjaan dilakukan melalui sistem manajemen yang terintegrasi dan diawasi oleh inspektur yang berkualitas dan disetujui dan pada penyelesaian pekerjaan, Laporan tertulis resmi dan Sertifikat diberikan pada waktu yang tepat menentukan bahwa item sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak diterapkan. SMC menawarkan sertifikasi produk yang luar biasa: yang reportings profesional yang mudah dimengerti, praktis dan seragam, baik diakui oleh instansi pemerintah, pedagang dan perbankan. Kami akan selalu berusaha untuk memberikan layanan yang handal dan profesional terus disesuaikan melalui sistem penjaminan mutu internal kami.
Pengalaman yang luas berlaku untuk berbagai komoditas di perdagangan internasional, SMC telah mempertahankan hubungan dengan berbagai inspeksi dan survei organisasi terkemuka berdiri profesional yang tinggi sehingga untuk melayani klien secara wolrd-lebar. Dalam rentang waktu itu SMC telah membangun landasan keahlian yang digunakan untuk memberikan layanan yang handal dan profesional dengan integritas yang tinggi dan dengan tujuan tinggal pertama dan yang terbaik di sektor ini.
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